
This is my Blog of what I am thankful for. I will be adding an entry hopefully daily. The writing will be free hand and unedited.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I am thankful for Yoga:
So my girlfriend is now a licensed yoga instructor, and I just had my first yoga lesson free on the house.  After one lesson I am for sure hooked on this.  Here’s how it went... I rolled out my mat, she turned on some calm trance like music and we started.  First she walked me through step by step the breathing techniques to ensure a calm start to this whole thing.  I began with deep breaths expanding my diaphragm exhaling with a “woo” sound to feel the air leaving my body.  Once comfortable with the breathing I got into the basic poses then moved onto some more advanced ones which had me balancing at one point with an arm and a leg in the air.  I’m a runner and I consider myself pretty athletic.  This was hard.  It was relaxing but tough at the same time.  I found myself stretching muscles I didn’t even know I had.........  Once we finished with the poses which are called “Asana”, we moved on to meditation.  I’ve never been open to meditation, as just like anyone it is hard for me to control my thoughts.  I started the breathing exercises, then I was told to feel the air entering my body then leaving my body.  I then relaxed and after a few minutes of deep concentration I was meditating like a champ.  I felt weightless and free.  For a few moments all my worries and stresses disappeared.  My mind had been set free.  I was talked out of my meditation and slowly opened my eyes feeling peaceful and ready to go to sleep. I recommend yoga for anyone interested in stress relief.  If you have any interest or would like some training send a message to Steph at the following email address- stephaniesyoga@yahoo.com
or Skype to- L.I.T.H.A.

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