
This is my Blog of what I am thankful for. I will be adding an entry hopefully daily. The writing will be free hand and unedited.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I am thankful for Geocaching:
Geocaching is a game.  Not your conventional game though.  You don’t sit inside staring at a screen or roll dice to buy properties (even though both of these things are super fun).  Geocaching is a game that forces you to be outdoors.  In almost every state in the U.S. and several countries around the world there are multiple Geocaches.  A Geocache is a container ranging in size from a small pill bottle to a shoe box and sometimes bigger.  When found the contents usually contain 1 piece of memorabilia from the last Geocacher to come across it and also a log book to document your find.  So in order to find one you’ll need a compass, GPS device or app on a smart phone.  You can go to the official website/app on smart phone for a list of GPS coordinates to locate and find Geocaches.  For the more advanced cachers there are harder to find caches that require you to decipher a set of clues.  So far I’ve found a few in Washington and 2 in Oregon. I won’t give details of my finds as that would spoil the fun for those who live near me in the Northwest.  I hope Geocaching lives long and well into the future, because it’s definitely good to put down the controller and get outside.   


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