
This is my Blog of what I am thankful for. I will be adding an entry hopefully daily. The writing will be free hand and unedited.

Friday, August 26, 2011


I am thankful for dreams:  So dreams, fractals, and quantum physics all have something in common..  They are all something that undeniably exists but the why and how are still unanswered.  We have so many facts proving our dreams existence but we still don't fully understand them.  There in lies the beauty of your dreams.  We all sleep and have dreamt at some point in our lives.  Sometimes there are dreams about flying, falling, loving, killing, being killed, swimming, breathing under-water, walking in a peanut butter like substance, financial gain/loss, meetings with loved ones that have passed on, etc.....Anyone and everyone has had or will have most of these dreams in some point in their lives.    

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