
This is my Blog of what I am thankful for. I will be adding an entry hopefully daily. The writing will be free hand and unedited.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Weekend Roundup

Weekend roundup: Every weekend I will do a post about what I have learned this week with my blog and the things which were discussed.  So anyway here it goes…. This is my first blog and I want to thank everyone close to me that have been reading this especially my Dad, and definitely the amazing support from my girlfriend Stephanie.  She reads these every day even though she’s heard me talk about these things several times. Thanks AeonJ………… Almost forgot this is the weekend roundup.  My first post was about trees.  When you are all outdoors this weekend take a second look at these and remember the natural mathematical design growing on the outside and within.  Also try to see if you can notice other fractal designs in nature as they are everywhere.  Next I mentioned my spider Cortana.  Looks like she received the most page views.  All that I have to say about this is unless you see a spider that you know for a fact is dangerous, please don’t kill it.  Be thankful for the spiders that live around you, they are great predators for all those bugs you don’t like.  Bic ink pens were next on the list.  If you have some time this weekend to sit down and doodle, try picking up one of these cheap pens.  The feathering technique is easy to master; the hard part is finding the time to do so.  Next to last is Geocaching.  This could be another thing this weekend to do outside.  Try visiting geocaching.com, or those with smartphones try downloading the official app or use the one I prefer called “C:Geo” in the android market place.  Last up is Arthur C. Clarke.  Pick up “2001: A Space Odyssey”, the movie or the book.  These are a perfect example of his magnificent work……. I’ve learned a lot from this so far and it’s only the first week.  I really found out that I have a lot of things to be thankful for that I don’t normally think that way about.  It’s nice to look at everyday things from a different perspective. I’m going to end on that good note, so looks like this is the end of this week’s weekend roundup.  Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for next week.      
android market- C:geo

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