
This is my Blog of what I am thankful for. I will be adding an entry hopefully daily. The writing will be free hand and unedited.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Quantum Mechanics

I am thankful for Quantum Mechanics:  Scientists are still to this day baffled at the existence of quantum mechanics.  Even Einstein himself tried to disprove the quantum world as it was something even he could not understand.   It drives these guys’ nuts to know that there is something that they can’t explain.  One can observe these events but merely observing them changes the outcome.  So I’ll break this down here is what we know….

·         There is a particle/ wave like interaction between matter and energy
·         Discovered in 1925 by a man named Werner Heisenberg
·         On an atomic and subatomic scale matter seems to change in behavior when observed
·         Particles move forward and backward in time and appear in all possible locations in space at one   time

These are the basic facts of quantum mechanics.  If you want to learn more I suggest checking out the movie “What the #$*! Do We (K)now!?.”

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