
This is my Blog of what I am thankful for. I will be adding an entry hopefully daily. The writing will be free hand and unedited.

Monday, August 8, 2011


I am thankful for trees:
Yes trees give us oxygen.  Trees give us shade, food, homes, furniture, and provide to a portion of our economy.  There is much more going on with these towering giants watching over us silently day after day.  Try to take another look at these living peaceful living organisms and underneath what we see day to day there is much more going on.  Trees are a basic fractal design, for a while I couldn't grasp the concept of a fractal until I saw this concept in trees.  From the roots to the trunk to the branches, all the way down to the veins in the leaves and the veins on those veins... You start to notice a pattern.  The tree as a whole is indeed a fractal.  The same design is repeated throughout the whole tree.  For those of you who don't know what a fractal is here is a simple explanition.  Fractals are basicly a design in which the same pattern or make of the object, equation, living organism, etc. can be minimized and looks the same as the genesis of the said subject.  Now this is an explanation I have come up with on my own and might only make since to me.  If you would like more info try a simple google search.  

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