
This is my Blog of what I am thankful for. I will be adding an entry hopefully daily. The writing will be free hand and unedited.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Welcome Back Part 2

Welcome Back Part 2: Today started out pretty well I was up @ 8am with my girlfriend/ fiance to get ready for some yoga.. so  I forced myself awake, ate some peanut butter toast, got dressed and grabbed my yoga mat.... oh and the special thing about this was that we were heading off to La Fit so I could join in on a yoga class Steph was teaching.  Once there she did her thing setting up for everyone, and I rolled my mat out and played some tower defense on my android til class started... This was fun she's an amazing teacher.. chat with me if you are interested in a few free classes.. So anyway I am now tired and sore from yoga sitting at home blogging to you.  You oh yeah this is welcome back part 2.... well here it is folks.......

I am Thankful for Hotwheels: when I was younger I used to play with hotwheels almost everyday, building tracks around the house to make them go as fast as possible...once I got a little older I started a collection with many unopened cars that I still have to this day..these cars will someday leave my possession and will end up in the hands of my kids and my childrens kids and so on..

I am Thankful for Rain: I live in the northwest as well as most reading this.  And if you have lived here in the fall for atleast a month it rains every single day guaranteed.  It's great if like me you love it when it rains, not so cool if you hate it.

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