
This is my Blog of what I am thankful for. I will be adding an entry hopefully daily. The writing will be free hand and unedited.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekend Roundup 1.3 (meh I know it's late)

Weekend Roundup 1.3- As you all know i'm back and this blog is alive once again.. More like woken up (not trying to scare those with a zombie phobia, you know who you are).. I kicked off the week with a promise of a 2 part welcome back post and I delivered. Also incase you haven't read I wanna know what you guys are thankful for. There are 4 ways you can tell me: email- pchristmore@gmail.com, Txt (if you have my #), Facebook, or in the comment section below.. After I get a few by the end of next week I will have a special post for all of these... So anyway internet here's your roundup.... first off I was thankful for beautiful little Saraphine, if you haven't seen her yet and have my # hit me up and come by for a peek.  Then I mentioned headhones, this weekend you should jam with some of these..and if you have a special someone next to you while doing so spend a couple bucks @ an electronic store and share those tunes with a spliter.....   Rain rain plz don't go away, I like to see you everyday:) yup i'm thankful for this stuff.. If it's raining go play in it!... Last up was Hotwheels, they are pretty darn affordable and make the little ones super happy...
Looks like this is the end of this week's weekend roundup..thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend..

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