
This is my Blog of what I am thankful for. I will be adding an entry hopefully daily. The writing will be free hand and unedited.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekend Roundup 1.3 (meh I know it's late)

Weekend Roundup 1.3- As you all know i'm back and this blog is alive once again.. More like woken up (not trying to scare those with a zombie phobia, you know who you are).. I kicked off the week with a promise of a 2 part welcome back post and I delivered. Also incase you haven't read I wanna know what you guys are thankful for. There are 4 ways you can tell me: email- pchristmore@gmail.com, Txt (if you have my #), Facebook, or in the comment section below.. After I get a few by the end of next week I will have a special post for all of these... So anyway internet here's your roundup.... first off I was thankful for beautiful little Saraphine, if you haven't seen her yet and have my # hit me up and come by for a peek.  Then I mentioned headhones, this weekend you should jam with some of these..and if you have a special someone next to you while doing so spend a couple bucks @ an electronic store and share those tunes with a spliter.....   Rain rain plz don't go away, I like to see you everyday:) yup i'm thankful for this stuff.. If it's raining go play in it!... Last up was Hotwheels, they are pretty darn affordable and make the little ones super happy...
Looks like this is the end of this week's weekend roundup..thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend..

Welcome Back Part 2

Welcome Back Part 2: Today started out pretty well I was up @ 8am with my girlfriend/ fiance to get ready for some yoga.. so  I forced myself awake, ate some peanut butter toast, got dressed and grabbed my yoga mat.... oh and the special thing about this was that we were heading off to La Fit so I could join in on a yoga class Steph was teaching.  Once there she did her thing setting up for everyone, and I rolled my mat out and played some tower defense on my android til class started... This was fun she's an amazing teacher.. chat with me if you are interested in a few free classes.. So anyway I am now tired and sore from yoga sitting at home blogging to you.  You oh yeah this is welcome back part 2.... well here it is folks.......

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Welcome Back Part 1

Welcome Back Part 1:
This is part 1 of 2.. It's great to be back at this:) don't have any pics or vids yet like I promised, but I did supply you guys with plenty to read.. Here we go.....

I am thankful for Saraphine:
I recently bought a snake for Steph's b-day.. Her name is Saraphine. So I headed out to petco to find a tame beginner snake.. I was told to get a corn snake.. I saw the corn snake cage and several babies were within.. Saraphine was curled up by herself in the back of the cage. She looked like she didn't belong.. I asked to hold her and she turned out to be pretty tame.. I took her home and placed her in her new enclosure waiting for Steph to come home. She has always wanted a snake as her own. This was the perfect suprise gift. I will never forget the smile on her face when I placed baby Saraphine in her hands. This little snake is now a part of our family and enjoyes the company of any human brave enough to hold her.

I am thankful for headphones: I use a pair of these everyday.. I listen to some tunes during every break at work to ensure a peaceful cool down for a few minutes.  Most people who know me, you know I don't drive and ride public trans. everywhere. This is boring sometimes and crazies try to talk to you.. What's the cure for boredom and ignoring crazy people? Headphones of course! Most of the time when i'm drawing I put some in to really get into it and concentrate. Today i'm listening to "The Expos" & "State Radio"..check em out and blast those headphones.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What are you thankful for?

Join the cause..-
I want to know what you guys are thankful for.. Send me a paragraph or 3 of what you are thankful for. Even stuff I have already posted on here is eligable. After you send them to me I will then compile what you guys send and post with your name in big bold letters for all to see.  There are 2 ways you can send these:
                                                           Facebook (if you have me as a friend)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Standby for Launch Sequence

Standby:   As you all already know my blog has been on standby for a couple of weeks now, and I came back to you guys dropping some pretty big news.  Read my last post if you haven't yet:)...  Now let's get back to the purpose of this blog.. So this upcoming post I keep talking about will be a 2 part shindig.  Expect to see 4 things i'm thankful for and an assortment of pictures and videos.  Welcome back part I will be posted wed sometime after 1pm pacific time and part II will be posted the following day at the same time.  Also weekend update 1.3 is in the works and should be out late friday night......  It's great to be back webernet I missed you oh so much... 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I'm still thankful guys:) Don't worry i'll be back soon

So i've been rather busy lately.. Work has picked up a bit. I'm getting married to my best friend Steph aka Aeon Flux. Oh yeah and I'm gonna be a Dad.  Btw she's probably not going to allow me to name it because the only ones I've come up with so far are Lucifer, Master Chief, 343 Guilty Spark, Freakazoid, and my favorite Darth.  Anyway I will be back soon guys with a massive post including a little art, new pics, video, music, and multiple gratitudes.  So take care guys, I should be back in the next 2 weeks.