
This is my Blog of what I am thankful for. I will be adding an entry hopefully daily. The writing will be free hand and unedited.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Weekend Roundup 1.4

Weekend Roundup 1.4:  So this work week is almost over.. Only one post this week and it wasn't even my own gratitudes.  You guys sent me some this time for all to see.  I only got three off these guys.. 3... Come on and send me what you are thankful for if you haven't already.  On another note, what's 100 times 5?  Hmm I'm thinking 500. This number is reminding me of something.. Oh yes... we're at 500 page views and counting.. thanks guys for all of those clicks (scroll down to check out the stats)... anyway have a great weekend folks and come on back next week for the norm to come back on this blog of gratitudes.


Pageviews all time history: 505

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  • Internet Explorer- 295
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  • Firefox- 30
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