
This is my Blog of what I am thankful for. I will be adding an entry hopefully daily. The writing will be free hand and unedited.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I am thankful for running: Running has always been a big part of my life.  I started competitive long distance running in 9th grade and have been racing ever since.  There is something about running that keeps me coming back for more.  Lately energy for running has been hard to come by due to work.  But everytime I lace up and start going it's like it's always been for me, like I was built for running.  I think my favorite time to run would be around mid fall to the beginning of winter, because as long as you are warm it's easy to breathe and your muscles stay cool.  Just like art; running will always be a part of my life.

Ice Cream

I am thankful for icecream: Over the weekend I ate about a pint of oreo ice cream and half of cookie dough.  I really love this tasty treat.  When I eat it before bed it's almost like reading a book, I get really sleepy and just want to pass out.

Monday, October 10, 2011


I am thankful for sharpies: In a  previous post I spoke about bic ink pens and how I really like to draw with them, and how they are my favorite thing to draw with. Number 2 choice for drawing would be a small black sharpie.. If you like to draw and you have one of these and some cardboard thats all you need.  The great thing about these is if you play your cards right multiple layers or coats are not needed, making drawing quick, efficient, and cost effective.  Included is a drawing I did on a cardboard box and the shading is done with spray paint.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Weekend Roundup 1.4

Weekend Roundup 1.4:  So this work week is almost over.. Only one post this week and it wasn't even my own gratitudes.  You guys sent me some this time for all to see.  I only got three off these guys.. 3... Come on and send me what you are thankful for if you haven't already.  On another note, what's 100 times 5?  Hmm I'm thinking 500. This number is reminding me of something.. Oh yes... we're at 500 page views and counting.. thanks guys for all of those clicks (scroll down to check out the stats)... anyway have a great weekend folks and come on back next week for the norm to come back on this blog of gratitudes.


Pageviews all time history: 505

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sounds like you guys are pretty thankful...

This was a good idea:  I asked you guys to send me what you were thankful for via email, txt, and facebook... and recieved some pretty postive happy thoughts that are buzzing in your minds and hearts...If you didn't send me anything you can still send these in and I'll post someday soon.. So here they are in the order in which they were recieved (not too many but better than nothing!):

My Dad (Danny Christmore)-
"Always been thankful for all my family, 5 wonderful kids, mom and dad, and of course my beautiful wife. They are always there for me no matter what and I could count on any of them for anything. I am thankful for growing up in such a great ...household which taught me so many things that I still use to this day. The list could go on and on but I'm sure the ones who know me well enough know I am thankful for all of you. :]"

Stephanie Christmore
"Yoga, and you" 

Jacob Pope
"...im thankful for death. reason being is w/out it we would never appreciate or care for who or what we have in our lives."